Squash bugs are known to attack Zucchini, Winter Squash, and Pumpkins. They can also go after cucumbers, cantaloupe, and watermelon.
And we have done it! Gone Off Grid
Moving Off-Grid
Well, the day finally came. We sold our big house we built 10 years ago (4000 sq ft) You can imagine what we collected over the years, so we sold a lot of things, gave lots away and packed what was left into 1 1/2 containers and had them moved them out to the off-grid property.
Setting up in the travel trailer
Thankfully we have a decent size travel trailer, which we stayed in while building the house we just sold. So back to trailer living for a while. It’s not too bad as long as we can be finished by winter. The trailer is 25′ long with a pull out so we do have a bit of room, not too cramped.
The trailer was moved up to the property and is now our home while working on our little house which is about 480 sq ft. there will also be a loft about 180 sq ft which will be my office but for sure a lot smaller than what we had.
Firewood Log Splitter
All You Need to Know About Types of Log Splitters
What Is a Log Splitter, To Begin with?
To a beginner, all log splitters can appear the same. However, there are several types of this essential tool – a log splitter can be manual, electrical, or gas-powered. A log splitter takes away the physical chore of splitting firewood with an axe, and if you have lots to split like we do, you will want to invest in a good log splitter.
Generally speaking, a firewood log splitter is a machine used to separate the trunk of a tree into two vertical halves by slamming it into a sharp wedge with a brutal force.
Depending on the source of power readily available to you at your locality, you can go with the manual variety or choose between the electrical and gas-powered options.
So, Which Type Is Perfect for Off-grid Living?
Whoa, not so fast friend! When choosing a log splitter, a few other factors need to be considered besides the location of your home and the type of “fuel” available.
Of great importance, however, is an understanding of the features of each type of tool as well as its benefits and drawbacks. If you glean at the differences between the three types, you will certainly identify one tool perfect for off-grid living. For that reason, let’s begin by glancing at the features and differences between the three types of log splitters.
Off Grid Living Canada
Best places to live Off-Grid in Canada
Living off the grid is becoming more and more popular in Canada, in this article I will tell you about some of the best places to live Off-Grid in Canada. Currently, you will find thousands of people looking for independence away from the cities. These locations are ideal for people who love growing food and create a simple lifestyle away from the grid.
Project Canada
Lucky for us Canada is a large country, and there are plenty of options for choosing an off-grid area to live in. There are many rural areas in Canada, ranging from the empty wilderness to rural areas that are still close enough to city centers for people that still need to work in the city.
Off grid living – Power Generation and Energy Systems
Interesting facts for solar energy
There are many reasons to go solar; but the most common reason is to reduce your carbon footprint and cut energy costs.
Solar energy produces no pollution, has no detrimental environmental effects, and is ecologically sound.
Installing solar systems should not be looked at as an expense but rather as an investment.
The average American pays off their solar purchase in seven to eight years and sees a Return on Investment of about 20 to 30 percent.
Best off grid States in America
Are you thinking of living off grid?
It seems to becoming a popular trend these days, people wanting to get back to basics or just want to stop paying for utilities, have some independence and not have to worry about paying a lot of bills for water, sewer, power etc.
If you are thinking of living off the grid in the US, there are many factors to be considered, and one of them is the states where you can live off grid .
Prepper’s Long-Term Survival Guide: Food, Shelter, Security, Off-the-Grid Power and More Life-Saving Strategies for Self-Sufficient Living
Choosing an off-grid life might seem like a bold move to some people and realistically it could take some time to establish your new home.
With this in mind homesteading and off-grid energy might need cost evaluation. You will need to consider natural resources like the availability of water, and the amount of sunshine received in the area you want to live in.
Chaga Tea
Chaga Mushroom
Chaga is a fungus that grows mainly on birch trees in cold climate regions. Although this is not the most appealing mushroom you will see, it is packed with numerous health-benefiting components such as vitamins and minerals. In this regard, Chaga mushroom has remained at the top of the functional mushrooms list. Formulating Chaga mushrooms into a tea gives you these wonderful nutrients as the hot water breaks down the cell for easier access.
What is Chaga Mushroom tea and how is it brewed?
Pelican Sled
Our Pelican 75 Sled

Living off grid in the winter can be a challenge for getting around. I don’t know what we would do without our snowmobiles and pelican sled to carry cargo in the winter.
We have used these sleds for ice fishing and for hauling everything from groceries to lumber into the off grid property.
Bear Safety While Hiking
Bear Safety When Hiking
I have always had a love for hiking, but in the last year have been doing a lot more of it. Of course, we are always hiking in bear country so have to be aware.
I’ve always been nervous about hiking in the bush for fear of meeting up with a bear, but I’m learning it’s okay, we just need to be prepared that if we are hiking in bear country the chance is there for an encounter at one time or another.
Mosquito and Tick repellent clothing
Insect Repellent Clothing
The mosquitoes are so bad out on our off grid property this year that I had to source something better than spray this year.
I was surprised and somewhat skeptical when I hear about mosquito repellent clothing but I decided I needed to give it a try because really what did I have to lose? Either it’s going to work and I’ll be thrilled or it won’t and I’ll have a new shirt or pants.
So I did some searching and bought a long sleeve shirt and a pair of pants. When I bought them I was just concerned about the mosquito repellent abilities of this clothing, but then also discovered that this clothing is also rated as tick repellent clothing, what a bonus that is as we do often do some hiking in the bush and ticks are known to be in our area as well.