Heat Powered Wood Stove Fan
The eco fan wood stove fan is what I have been using for at least 8 years or more, these heat powered wood stove fans are definitely worth every penny.
They are long lasting and save on the heating bill by warming the house up faster and moving the heat throughout the house.
The airflow from the fan helps to heat up the house much quicker, as soon as the fan starts it pushes the air out, helping to warm things up faster. The hotter the stove is the faster the fan blades move, as the stove cools down the fan blades slow down as well.

Pictured here is the fan that is sitting on my wood stove – it is an Airplus Eco fan that was made in Canada by Caframo.
Caframo is a manufacturing company that is located in Canada; they are located in Ontario, in a town where my family came from.
The Caframo Company has been in business for 60 years and are one of the industry leaders in thermoelectric fans, as well as overhead stirrers, specialty fans and thermoelectric lighting.
With this many years behind them it is no wonder this fan is built so well and last so long.
How does the Eco fan Work?
The technology used to make this fan is called thermoelectric technology, which used the difference in temperature between to materials to create electricity.
How this works with the fan is that it has a tiny little motor that is thermoelectric, and two semiconductors, when the conductors experience a difference in heat it creates electricity which turns the motor, which turns the fan.
Where should the Eco fan be place?
The fan should be placed on the flat part of your wood stove to the side or back; it should not be placed in front of the stovepipe or at the front of the stove. The fan is designed to draw the cooler air from behind so it should be place more to the back of the wood stove.
What kind of maintenance will my Fan require?
This fan is maintenance free, other than cleaning with a damp cloth that is about the only maintenance your eco fan will require.
Can the Eco Fan work on any stove?
The Eco fan is made with wood stoves in mind. These stove tops would have temperatures ranging between 85 and 345 degrees Celsius.
There also is an eco fan available for gas or freestanding pellet stoves that is designed to work with temperatures between 75 and 200 degrees Celsius. This fan is called the BelAir.
One thing I really like about the Eco fan is the non-existent notice. There is virtually no noise when this fan is working.
The pictures above are the new larger Eco Fans – these are more expensive than the original fan, but they push the air far better.
Ecofan 810CAKBX UltrAir Mid-Size Heat Powered Wood Stove Fan, Made in Canada, Nickel – this can be purchased from Amazon for $129.99 CDN
Ecofan 812AMKBX AirMax Large Heat Powered Wood Stove Fan, Made in Canada, NickelThe 812 can also be purchased from Amazon for around $170.00 CDN
The Orginal Eco Fan that I have on my wood stove is the one below. It can be purchased for around $83.00 CDN
Ecofan – Original 800CAXBX Fan
I have had the same Ecofan for many years and am very satisfied with it. Our home is about 3500 sq ft and this little fan doesn’t take long to push the heat around this house.
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© 2017 – 2020, Teresa. All rights reserved.
Oooh I like the idea of the fan and it seems to work brilliantly and saving you a bunch compared to those very very expensive high energy systems they can install into your ceiling. Awsome idea. I love that its powered by the heat of the fire and regulated by it as well. So cool!
They are excellent fans, we have been using the same one for a long time and no electrical costs associated with using this type of fan.
I will have this on my mind when I start using a wood stove. I am going to buy a wood stove soon.
Thank you for this info.
What a great idea. A heater for your room without the added cost of electricity. This would have come in so handy when I was growing up.
We had a farm we used to visit each weekend, and the winter nights were freezing. We used to heat up bricks in the wood stove to put in our beds.
Imagine how much better it would have been to sit in the kitchen with this wood stove fan, instead of retiring to bed early as it was the only warm place to be.
Hi Michel, we didn’t have those cold winter nights with a wood stove and bricks, but I have when out camping used hot rocks from the fire to keep us warm at night. This fan would have certainly helped to circulate the heat back then.
I’d never heard of these before for wood stoves. However, we’re looking to install a pellet stove in our new home and this looks like a great option to keep the heat circulating into the whole home without using electricity. Definitely sounds like something to look into!
Thanks for sharing this!
These are really great and long lasting. I love ours! It really does help to push the hot air helping to heat the whole house.