Homesteading Today

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Homesteading Today

Have you ever thought of homesteading, getting back to a simpler life?

Homesteading has seen a major boost in recent years. The recession, concern about the foods we consume, and an interest in apocalyptic entertainment have all generated interest in homesteading.

Whatever your reason for living off-the-grid, you are not alone.

The following are some common misconceptions and information that a prospective homesteader should know before they begin.

Land Isn’t Free

There is a common misunderstanding that if you are willing to homestead, you are entitled to free land. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

In 1862 the federal government introduced The Homesteading Act to encourage western expansion.  Under this act a family was given 160 acres of land as long as they worked the land.
How to Survive Off the Grid: From Backyard Homesteads to Bunkers (and Everything in Between)

The act was revised several times and in 1976 it came to an end.  It ended when the Federal Land Policy and Management Act was introduced.

The Truth is today the land you homestead must be purchased or leased by you. However, you may be able to use tax credits if your homesteading is part of a business venture.

Homesteading is Hard Work

If you are under the impression that homesteading will be easy or stress-free, you are wrong.

Homesteading is a 24/7 job that can be mentally and physically demanding. With that being said, it is a different kind of work, which some people prefer over a traditional job.

When you are living the homesteading life, you will be able to fully enjoy the fruits of your labor, literally and figuratively. It is a hands-on and rewarding lifestyle.
The Homesteading Handbook: A Back to Basics Guide to Growing Your Own Food, Canning, Keeping Chickens, Generating Your Own Energy, Crafting, Herbal Medicine, and More

You Won’t Have Employer-Paid Benefits

Homesteading life does not offer traditional employer-based benefits. You will not have a 401k or pension plan. You may have to pay your taxes and do your own bookkeeping, and there won’t be any paid time off or days off for sickness.

Homesteading has its own benefits and disadvantages, which you must weigh to determine if it will work for you.

While you may not be able to take long or extended vacations, you can enjoy the lifestyle so much that it doesn’t bother you.


The costs of starting a homestead can vary greatly depending on what you want to do.

If homesteading is something you want to do, then you will need to purchase land and the equipment to maintain it.

You can rent or purchase most farm equipment. The first thing you must determine is if you will be homesteading for your family only or commercially.

Then you will need to decide on the type of animals and plants you will raise.

Research each animal or plant you intend to raise and decide on the equipment that is right for you. The costs can vary from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands depending on the size and scale you have choosen.

Technology Is Great for Homesteading

Whether you are raising produce for your family or making a living from your homestead, you will still use technology in your everyday life.

If you are under the impression that cell phones and computers will no longer be needed, you will be surprised to learn that living the homestead life (sic) often requires the use of technology.

Technology has made homesteading easier and more productive.

Before technology, homesteaders had to rely on the farmer’s almanac or old wife’s tales for weather forecasts.

Farmers also had to have employees or a large family to harvest crops. Today, you can purchase tractors and farm equipment that can do the job of ten men in half the time.

Solar technology can also save you a significant amount of money by producing your own energy.

This energy helps make homesteading more sustainable and can even generate credits from your electric company.

If you want to get the most out of homesteading, embrace technology.

It will help you troubleshoot any problems and you can supplement your income online, if needed. No one can control mother-nature, but technology can help you work with and survive it.

Earning an Income

There are many ways to earn an income from homesteading. If you plan to become self-employed or earn a living from farming for the first time, meet with an accountant who can inform you of your responsibilities as a tax-payer.

An accountant who is familiar with farming will also be able to explain tax credits that may help you get started or continue running your farm.

There are many ways that living the homesteading life can result in your family making a good income.
Country Wisdom & Know-How: A Practical Guide to Living off the Land

Selling Items Your Homestead Produces

From year-to-year you will notice that the exact same crop will vary in yield and quality. It is a good idea to diversify your income in the event that one income stream fails.

Selling produce and products you make is a great way to earn a living for homesteaders.

You can sell items at your local farmer’s market, directly to grocery stores in your area, and online.

Selling Livestock

If you are comfortable with selling livestock and have the land for it, it can be quite lucrative. Cattle, goats, chickens, and pigs are common livestock.

Livestock is much more expensive to raise, but you stand to make a much greater profit from it.

You can sell young animals at auction to other farmers or sell mature livestock directly to processors. Milk, cheese, and other products that can be made from cow’s or goat’s milk can also be sold.

Some livestock, such as alpaca or sheep can be sheared for their roving and sold to textile mills.
The New Livestock Farmer: The Business of Raising and Selling Ethical Meat

Blogging and Online Income

Many homesteaders today blog for profit. If blogging is successful for your family, a large-scale farming operation and its costs may not be necessary to earn a living.

Instead, your blog and website can become your full-time income source.

Blogging on homesteading is on the rise. A blogger can write posts on a number of topics, including; how to grow a specific plant, D.I.Y. projects to save money and make your life easier, and even recipes.

Income from blogging often comes from ads, selling products online, and teaching others how to do the same thing you are doing successfully.

Home-steading life isn’t for everyone, but if you are willing to work hard and put in the time and effort, it can be a lucrative and enjoyable venture for your entire family.

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10 thoughts on “Homesteading Today”

  1. I found this article to be very helpful. Homesteading is not bad at all and I must say that it can be very interesting. I mean animals, plants etc, it can have a great impact on our life. I agree with you that it is expensive to start with but not impossible.

    • thanks for stopping by Dan, homesteading can be interesting for sure.  It’s a different way of life from what most of us are used to.

  2. Hey there! Thanks for this comprehensive look into homesteading. It has been something that I’ve been interested in doing since my hubby is going to inherit a good piece of land. How much acres do you think are needed for a sustainable family sized homestead? We have us and our daughter but might have some additions soon.

    Thanks and have an awesome day!


    • Hi Marlinda so exciting for you.  We have 10 acres, but I know people that live off grid on 5 acres and are able to sustain their family of 6 quite nicely on that.

  3. Very interesting site overall. I myself have been staying in cabins before, but not as remote as yours. This has been very i eye opening about the cougars, and bears. This is not something my wife enjoys unless its a little more developed camp or park area. I want to learn more about those solar devices that keep several animals away. You link was not working, yet I can look on Amazon for these. Perhaps you could check the link or supply it after my comments? Good information about other off the grid products and proper things to make a nice cabin in that way. I may yet convince my wife to try thinking about this. thanks

  4. Wow i never knew there was so much to consider for homesteading. Is homesteading the same thing as living off the grid? If someone wanted to homestead should they have various things that they harvest or raise? For example, would it be a good idea to have both crops and cattle, or even more than 1 type of crop? Or do you think a living could be made by just having one like just chickens or cows or just corn? Is it possible to be self-sufficient on your homestead and not have to sell anything but harvest for your own family only? Or would there need to be some kind of income? I ask because I’ve seen shows about living off the grid and they make it seem like it is possible to live without any income source at all.

    • Living off grid is with no power, where as homesteading could be the same but not necessarily without power.  As for homesteading and what to grow etc.  You could raise animals and grow crops, that would depend on what you want.  I think it is possible to be self sufficient but it will be a lot of work and would help to be a family.  With us, it’s just two of us so we do need other income to help sustain us, but I certainly think its possible to do without.  Trading your animals or growing your crops and selling the extra a farmers market.

  5. I tell you what, the way things are going in this world, homesteading just looks more and more enticing. I’ve often thought about what it would be like to live off the grid though I see that it does involve a lot of work. I like how you laid it down on what homesteading entails such as what plants and animals to have, what it takes to get the land you want to homestead on, how to earn an income while living on a homestead, etc. Are there some states where it’s easier to homestead than others?

    • Thanks Brian, some states are easier than others to homestead.  It would depend on what you are looking for.

      From what I hear Arizona is the cheapest state, Montana has the best views and Alaska is the most remote.

      Washington and Oregon are popular states for homesteading as well.


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